
Toddlers are primarily concerned with developing and understanding who they are. Beginning at 18 months, identity becomes the dominant theme for them. Developing this sense of self has a lot to do with their desire and drive for independence and control. Whether toddlers are still teetering with a wide-based gait, confidently getting around on two legs, or standing only with assistance, they are busy "standing up for themselves.”


They are also busy exploring the world from their new, upright vantage point plunging ahead full speed before figuring out how to stop. They are fascinated by words and language and they want to imitate everything we do. This is why it is important to have positive models in the classroom and every opportunity for them to discover and explore and be guided to understand the environment that is around them. At Winfree Memorial, we understand toddlers! We provide them plenty of opportunities to explore, to develop language skills, build vocabulary, and develop an awareness of others through their play, observation, and exploration.

Contact us today to start the enrollment process for your toddler!