Preschool News - September Edition

Big things are happening at Winfree Memorial Preschool! Click the image below to download the PDF newsletter, or continue reading below for the text version!

 Preschool News 

Fundraiser starts September 23rd Our school will be raising funds for more Science materials this year. Please be on the look out for the paperwork in your child’s communication folder. Each child can earn a stuffy (animal of choice). 

Have you met our new Assistant Director, Sasha Dunlap? Sasha comes to us from Chesterfield County Schools. We are very happy to have her join our management team. She lives here in Midlothian with her husband and three boys! Please join us in welcoming her to our school. 

Dance and Soccer classes have started. We still have a few spots left if you would like to join in. Please call the office for the link to sign up. 

Would you like to extend your child’s day by having him or her join us for Lucky Lunch? Our Lucky Lunch program runs M-F 12:30-1:30 with carpool pick up. This is a great time for your child to eat, socialize with his/her peers and have added group play. You can read more about our Lucky Lunch program on our website. 

Have you liked our FACEBOOK PAGE? We post school activities and happenings weekly. Sign up to not miss the fun! 

Save the Date: 

Pumpkin Patch October 9th and 10th Llyod Family Farms 10:00 am 12204 Pinehook Road Rockville, VA 23146 More details will come from your teacher! We WILL still have early care and extended care and Dance and Soccer those days. 

Picture Day at Winfree Preschool!! We will have a “Apple” background this year. October 15th and 16th 

The Speech Path will be conducting screenings on October 21st and 22nd. Look for a sign up to come home in your child’s communication folder. 

Join us for Chapel any month. This coming Chapel for October is the 7th and 8th @ 11:15 and 11:45.

Winfree Preschool Spirit Days are 9/26 and 9/27 you can buy spirit wear in the Preschool office. 😊 

Check out our website for more info on our Calendar of Events. 

Safety Rules while in carpool:

  1. Please refrain from using your cell phone. 

  2. Display your School Issued Carpool Card in the Right Passenger Window. 

  3. Parents are to stay in the vehicle. Students will enter/exit from the right side of the vehicle only. Teachers will open the door and help the students in/out. In the morning, please have the student unbuckled from their car seat. 

  4. In the afternoon, please move to the parking lot to buckle your child into their car seat. 

  5. Please do not pass any vehicles stopped in the carpool line. 

All parents/guardians/approved caregivers will need to have their School Issued Carpool Card to pick-up their students. If you do not have your card, you will be asked to leave the carpool dismissal line so that the Director/Asst. Director can photo id who is pick-up for the safety of our teachers/students. 

Did you know Winfree Memorial Preschool is a Nationally Accredited weekday preschool, serving the community for over sixty years? If you or your family is part of our school alumni, please send us a family picture with the details so we can share!


Weekly Newsletter - 9/27