Two Year Olds
Two-year-olds are beginning to recognize peers and adults outside of their caregivers as people of interest. They begin to develop parallel play and may dabble for moments in cooperative play. They are fascinated with their environment and ask questions about what and where. They are able to recognize familiar objects, pictures, and their favorite books. They make choices and demand independence. They want to show you what they are able to do and they want your full attention.
Here at Winfree Memorial Preschool, we understand your two-year-old and his or her desire to explore and learn. It is imperative at this time in their development that they are getting positive attention and are in a classroom that has healthy and consistent boundaries, with a strong model in the classroom. Children at age two are testing these boundaries on a continual basis; it is here that they begin to learn appropriate social behaviors and interactions, with their peers and caregivers. We acknowledge their frustrations, get down on their level when we talk to them, and offer redirection when they are frustrated. We also work on potty training and basic self-help skills so that they begin to build a healthy independence from parents and caregivers.
Contact us today to start the enrollment process for your two-year-old!