
Nutrition at Winfree Preschool

We know that good nutrition contributes to effective learning in children. Numerous studies have demonstrated that eating healthy snacks regularly will boost your child’s ability to learn, to think quickly, to pay attention, and even to have a good relationship with others. With that in mind, we offer a morning snack time for each class and lunchtime for classes past 12 noon.

Eating together allows each child to learn manners, healthy food habits, and conversation. We will be having a morning snack and we will sit together and have a social time. This social learning happens during mealtime as children start to say new words or practice manners, such as taking turns. As always, our teachers will role model and encourage conversations.

Each class develops helping hands (child-related jobs) to help set the table, gather the snack/lunch, or prepare for snack. We will always show enthusiasm for healthy foods. We encourage good healthy choices. We have found through the years the children are willing to try new fruits and vegetables when they see other children trying them.

Preschoolers learn many skills during snack time, including: 

  • Self-help skills: Children learn how to use utensils, pour, serve themselves, clean up, and wash their hands. 

  • Social skills: Children learn how to take turns, share, ask questions, communicate, resolve conflicts, and work together. 

  • Language development: Children learn new words by describing foods, identifying fruits and vegetables, and talking about their texture, smell, and taste. 

  • Math skills: Children learn to count, sort, compare, and make patterns. They can also learn about numbers by pointing them out and talking about math. 

  • Independence: Children learn how to set the table, serve themselves, and pour their own drinks. They can also learn to monitor their own needs and make independent decisions about when they are hungry or thirsty. 

  • Positive behavior: Children learn to take turns in conversation and share materials. 

  • Environmental care: Children learn how to care for the environment. Snack time can be a highlight of a child day, and it a great opportunity for spontaneous learning.